Friday, March 13, 2009

Dreamweaver CS4 ACE Objectives

Creating a web site today requires some expertise in a variety of different technologies: xhtml, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), javascript, application servers, ajax...

Adobe Dreamweaver is the leading software product on the market which allows you to meld all or some of these technologies together to create a static or dyanmic web site. (See our blog post on "Dreamweaver Training Tips" to learn the difference between static and dynamic web sites.)

Becoming an Adobe Certified Expert in Dreamweaver is a powerful credential to have and a great way to synthesize and process the essential information you need to create web sites using an industry-leading product.

To the best of our knowledge, these are the ACE (Adobe Certified Expert) Objectives for Dreamweaver CS4. Use them as a guide to study for the test. Our Dreamweaver class () covers these objectives during the course of the class. Call us (408-315-8720) in regard to taking the class and receive a discount by telling us you read about it here.

1.0 Understanding Web technologies

1.1 List and describe the infrastructure required to implement and deploy Web sites.

1.2 Given a scenario, explain the requirements for supporting video, PDF documents,

and SWF.

1.3 Explain how to mitigate page weight.

1.4 Given a scenario, describe the infrastructure required to support application servers.

(Scenarios include: ColdFusion, ASP, JSP)

1.5 List and describe the difference between client-side and server-side scripting.

1.6 Describe techniques for making pages accessible.

2.0 Managing sites

2.1 Given a scenario, create a site. (Scenarios include: using the Site menu bar and Files


2.2 Locate files associated with a Dreamweaver site.

2.3 Manage files associated with a Dreamweaver site. (Including: moving, deleting,

renaming, copying, associating)

3.0 Remote connectivity

3.1 List and describe the methods available for connecting to a remote server. (Methods

include: ftp, sftp, WebDAV, and network file share)

3.2 Synchronize files. (Methods include: Using the Files panel, Site menu, cloaking)

3.3 Use get, put, check-in, and check-out to transfer files.

3.4 Configure local, testing, and remote servers.

4.0 Working in Design view

4.1 Describe options available for positioning objects. (Options include: AP DIV, CSS

and tables)

4.2 Design a page by using a tracing image.

4.3 Given a visual aid, explain the purpose of and/or when that visual aid. (Visual aids

include: Layers, tables, CSS, invisible elements)

4.4 Work with the Properties panel and Tag bar.

4.5 Explain the benefits of using Live View and Live Data.

5.0 Working in Code view

5.1 Configure preferences for Code view.

5.2 Manage code by using Code view. (Options include: Collapsing, word wrap, highlighting

invalid code, and formatting)

5.3 Explain how to get information about tags. (Options include: Properties Inspector

and Tag Editor)

5.4 Find and replace code in Code view. (Options include: entire site and current page)

5.5 Explain how to select blocks of code in Code view.

6.0 Working with templates

6.1 Create editable areas in templates.

6.2 Apply a template to a page.

6.3 Create and use template variables.

6.4 Create and use editable attributes.

6.5 Explain the process of and issues associated with distributing template changes to pages.

6.6 Create and use library items.

7.0 Working with assets

7.1 Manage assets by using the Assets panel.

7.2 Given a media type, insert and deploy that media type into a page. (Media types

include: SWF, FLV, Flash Paper, images)

8.0 Designing pages with CSS

8.1 Create and work with AP elements.

8.2 Create styles for typography and positioning by using the CSS and properties panels.

8.3 Describe the Box model.

8.4 Create and attach style sheets to pages.

8.5 Explain the behavior of inheritance with respect to styles and style sheets.

9.0 Testing Web pages and sites

9.1 Validate that pages and sites conform to accessibility standards.

9.2 Describe the HTML reports that are available for testing.

9.3 Identify and fix broken links.

10.0 Application development

10.1 Create forms and use data sets by using Spry.

10.2 Describe the functionality provided by the Behaviors panel and the Server Behaviors panel.

10.3 Describe the role of an application server.

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