Sunday, January 18, 2009

Flash CS4 ACE Objectives

These days, becoming an ACE (Adobe Certified Expert) can give you a leg up in landing a job, not to mention honing your skills to a finely burnished edge.

To become an ACE you need to pass a closed-book, multiple choice test: you sit in front of a computer screen and answer the questions. The test is administered by Pearson VUE or Thomson Prometric at their testing facilities world-wide.

Pearson VUE: check for locations online at

Thomson Prometric: check for locations online at

Below the Adobe Flash CS4 ACE Objectives, all the Flash topics that will come up on the ACE test.

To prepare for the test you may be interested in taking our Flash Level 1 class and our Flash Level 2 class (Actionscript). We make sure to go over the ACE Objectives in the class, and we provide resources and sample tests after the class. The classes are described on our web site Multimedia Resource Group

Self-employed and unemployed people may qualify for a discount for these classes.

Flash CS4ACE Exam Objectives

1.0 Planning and designing Flash applications
1.1 Given a scenario, choose the appropriate type of image asset and explain when and
why you would use that asset type. (Image asset types include: vector, bitmap, SVG)
1.2 Given a requirement based on your audience, determine the appropriate Flash features and options used to meet the needs of your audience. (Audience requirements
include: publishing to AIR, accessibility, player version)

2.0 Creating and managing assets
2.1 Given an option in the Library panel, explain the purpose of and how to use that
2.2 Given a tool, create a shape by using that tool. (Tools include: Deco, Spray Brush, Rectangle Primitive)
2.3 Given a tool, work with an existing asset by using that tool. (Tools include: Transform, 3D Rotation, Bone)
2.4 Given an asset, modify individual properties to achieve specific design requirements. (Design requirements include: advanced text controls including anti-aliasing,stroke control and styling)
2.5 Import external assets into Flash. (External assets include: XFL from InDesign or
After Effects, Photoshop files, Illustrator files, and images)
2.6 Create and manage text fields by using the Text tool.
2.7 Given an asset, convert that asset to a symbol.
2.8 Given a component, explain the purpose of or how to use that component.
2.9 Edit the skin of a component.

3.0 Creating Flash movies
3.1 Create animations by using the Timeline.
3.2 Edit animations by using the Motion Editor.
3.3 Reuse animations by using Motion Presets.
3.4 Incorporate and manage audio and video in your movie.
3.5 Apply filters and effects to Movie Clips and text.
3.6 Manage performance by utilizing bitmap techniques.
3.7 Apply inverse kinematics to objectives by using the Bone tool.

4.0 Programming with ActionScript 3.0
4.1 Given an ActionScript class, create an instance from and work with the properties of that class.
4.2 Given an object-oriented concept, explain the definition of or purpose associated
with that concept. (Object-oriented concepts include: Classes, Interfaces, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Packages)
4.3 Create custom classes. (Options include: Extending, Subclassing)
4.4 Explain how to use the Document class.
4.5 Load content and data from external sources. (Sources include: XML, SWF, and
remote objects)

5.0 Testing, publishing, and deploying Flash movies
5.1 Recognize effective optimization considerations when testing and debugging Flash
5.2 Test an application by using the Debugger.
5.3 Given a code snippet, find the error in that code snippet.
5.4 Given a scenario, select the appropriate Publish settings to deploy a Flash movie. (Scenarios include: Web delivery and AIR)


Anna said...

Hi Ken,
Just read a bit of our blog. This is great content for someone wanting to get certification, which can be a key way to make your resume stand out in these trying times. Good luck and keep writing!

sidharth said...

When will the flash cs4 exam be up ?


Adobe Training said...

Here's the official word from Adobe as of March 30th: "ACE Exams are full, proctored exams offered through a VUE testing center.
Illustrator® CS4, InDesign CS4, Photoshop CS4 and Acrobat 9 ACE exams are all available now." No mention there of Flash CS4. When I find out about Flash I'll post it here. Thanks.

Joedee said...

Hi, Do the level 1 and level 2 (actionscript) courses follow the Flash CS4 and Actionscript CS4 classroom in a book titles, respectively? Thanks!

Adobe Training said...

Please contact me directly in regard to our Flash classes. You can reach me at Basically our Flash Level 1 and Flash Level 2 class covers all the topics in the Adobe CIB books but in a more accessible, easier to understand manner with more real world examples.

Unknown said...

Is there still no word on a release date?

Adobe Training said...

Most of the tests are available now.
Here's a link to the Adobe site that lists them all: