Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Adobe Announces Flex Builder Free for Unemployed and Students/Faculty

In a recent announcement, Adobe has made Flex Builder their application for creating Rich Internet Applications applications for the web, free to students and faculty as well as unemployed developers.

Information regarding both offers can be found at the url below:

Free Flex

Flex outputs Flash files (.swf) files and is typically used to create highly interactive files for the web or interactive applications that can connect to the web using Adobe Air. Unlike Flash, Flex has no animation capability but allows you the option to playback Flash files within a Flex application.

Flex uses Actionscript 3 (same as Flash) and mxml, a language based on xml.

Flex is being used on the web for everything from the Sherwin-Williams color picker,

to Pikeo, online photo sharing

to Yahoo Maps, the UNO game on Facebook and more.

Adobe is also supporting another site which lists jobs for Flex developers:
Flex Jobs

For more information about Flex and discounted Flex classes at our facility in Silicon Valley please email me at